How to Use Greenify Without Root on Any Android Device {In 2024}

In the ever-evolving landscape of Android smartphones, battery life remains a persistent challenge for many users.

As our reliance on mobile devices grows, the demand for efficient power management has become paramount.

One popular solution to this issue is Greenify, an app that helps optimize battery usage by “hibernating” apps that are not in use.

Greenify Without Root on Any Android Device

However, for many Android users, the requirement of a rooted device has been a significant barrier to accessing Greenify’s advanced features.

Fortunately, in 2024, there are now ways to use Greenify without root access, allowing a broader range of Android users to benefit from its battery-saving capabilities.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the step-by-step process of using Greenify on non-rooted Android devices in 2024, as well as provide tips and tricks to maximize its effectiveness.

Whether you’re using the latest flagship smartphone or a budget-friendly model, this article will equip you with the knowledge to extend your device’s battery life and improve overall performance.

Understanding Greenify: What is it and How Does it Work?

Greenify is an Android application that aims to optimize battery life by “hibernating” apps that are not in active use.

This process involves suspending the background activities of selected apps, reducing their power consumption, and preventing them from draining the battery.

The core principle behind Greenify is the concept of “aggressive doze,” which is a feature introduced in Android Marshmallow (6.0) and later versions.

Aggressive doze allows the operating system to aggressively put the device into a low-power state when the screen is off and the device is stationary, further reducing battery drain.

Greenify leverages this feature by automatically “hibernating” apps that are not currently being used, effectively suspending their background activities and preventing them from consuming resources in the background.

This results in a significant improvement in battery life, as well as enhanced overall device performance.

Greenify Without Root: The Evolution of Android’s Permissions

Greenify Without Root The Evolution of Android's Permissions

Traditionally, Greenify required root access to fully utilize its advanced features, such as the ability to automatically hibernate apps and manage background processes.

This was due to the limited permissions granted to non-rooted Android devices, which restricted access to certain system-level functions.

However, as Android has evolved, the operating system’s permissions and security models have become more flexible, allowing for the development of Greenify-like functionality without the need for root access.

In 2024, Android users can leverage several advanced features and techniques to use Greenify effectively on non-rooted devices.

These include:

1. Accessibility Service: Greenify can now utilize the Accessibility Service, which provides it with the necessary permissions to monitor and control certain app activities, even without root access.

2. Adb Commands: By using Adb (Android Debug Bridge) commands, users can grant Greenify the required permissions to hibernate apps, without the need for root access.

3. Automation Tools: Integration with automation apps, such as Tasker or IFTTT, allows users to create custom rules and triggers to automate the hibernation process, further enhancing Greenify’s functionality on non-rooted devices.

4. Overlays and Shortcuts: Greenify can now provide users with various overlay and shortcut options, making it easier to quickly hibernate apps without navigating through the app’s main interface.

These advancements in Android’s permission model, combined with Greenify’s continued development, have made it possible for users to enjoy the benefits of aggressive app hibernation without the need for root access.

Step-by-Step Guide: Using Greenify on Non-Rooted Android Devices in 2024

Now that we’ve covered the background and evolution of Greenify, let’s dive into the step-by-step process of using the app on non-rooted Android devices in 2024.

1. Download and Install Greenify

The first step is to download and install the Greenify app on your Android device. You can find the latest version of Greenify on the Google Play Store or the official Greenify website (

 2. Enable Accessibility Service

After installing Greenify, you’ll need to enable the Accessibility Service. This allows Greenify to monitor and control certain app activities, which is necessary for the app hibernation process.

To enable the Accessibility Service, follow these steps:

1. Open the Greenify app and tap on the “Accessibility” option.
2. Tap on “Enable Accessibility Service” and grant the necessary permissions.
3. Ensure that the Accessibility Service is enabled and active.

3. Grant ADB Permissions (Optional)

Grant ADB Permissions

While the Accessibility Service provides Greenify with the necessary permissions for app hibernation, you can further enhance its functionality by granting ADB permissions.

This will allow Greenify to perform additional system-level tasks, such as automatically hibernating apps without user intervention.

To grant ADB permissions, follow these steps:

1. Connect your Android device to a computer using a USB cable.
2. Enable USB debugging on your device by going to Settings > Developer options (if Developer options are not visible, go to Settings > About phone and tap the “Build number” seven times to unlock it).
3. On your computer, open a terminal or command prompt and type the following command:

`adb shell pm grant com.oasisfeng.Greenify android. permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS`

4. This command grants Greenify the necessary permission to modify system settings, further enhancing its functionality.

4. Configure Greenify Settings

Configure Greenify Settings

Now that you have the necessary permissions set up, it’s time to configure Greenify to suit your preferences.

Here are some key settings to consider:

1. Hibernation Target Selection: Greenify allows you to select which apps you want to hibernate.

You can manually choose the apps or let Greenify’s “Aggressive Hibernation” feature automatically detect and hibernate apps that are not in active use.

2. Hibernation Triggers: Greenify offers various triggers that can automatically hibernate apps, such as when the screen turns off, the device is idle, or at specific time intervals.

3. Notifications and Overlays: Greenify provides options to customize the appearance of notifications and overlays, making it easier to manage hibernated apps and access the app’s features.

4. Automation Integration: If you’re using automation apps like Tasker or IFTTT, you can integrate Greenify to create custom rules and triggers for app hibernation.

Spend some time exploring the Greenify settings and customize them to suit your specific needs and preferences.

5. Ongoing Maintenance and Monitoring

Ongoing Maintenance and Monitoring

To ensure Greenify continues to work effectively, it’s important to maintain and monitor the app’s performance on your device. Here are some tips:

1. App Updates: Keep Greenify and your Android OS up-to-date to ensure compatibility and access to the latest features.

2. Battery and Performance Monitoring: Regularly check your device’s battery life and overall performance to gauge the effectiveness of Greenify.

3. Whitelist Management: Review and manage the list of apps that you’ve whitelisted (exempted) from Greenify’s hibernation process to ensure an optimal balance between battery savings and app functionality.

4. Troubleshooting: If you encounter any issues or performance degradation, refer to Greenify’s documentation or community forums for troubleshooting guidance.

By following these steps and maintaining Greenify over time, you can effectively use the app to extend your Android device’s battery life and improve overall system performance, even without root access.

Advanced Greenify Techniques for Non-Rooted Devices

While the basic steps outlined above provide a solid foundation for using Greenify on non-rooted Android devices, there are also some advanced techniques you can explore to further enhance the app’s functionality.

Automation Integration with Tasker or IFTTT

Integrating Greenify with automation apps like Tasker or IFTTT can unlock a new level of customization and convenience.

By creating custom rules and triggers, you can automate the hibernation process based on various conditions, such as:

  •  Hibernating apps when the screen turns off or the device enters a specific location
  • Scheduling regular app hibernation sessions at set intervals
  •  Linking Greenify’s actions to other device events or smart home integrations

This level of automation can help streamline the battery-saving process and ensure that your device is always operating at its most efficient state.

Overlays and Shortcuts

Greenify offers various overlay and shortcut options that can enhance the user experience on non-rooted devices. These include:

  • Floating hibernation buttons or widgets that allow you to quickly hibernate apps with a tap
  •  Notification shortcuts for easy access to greenify’s features
  • Integration with Android’s native quick settings tiles for one-tap hibernation

By leveraging these overlay and shortcut options, you can make Greenify’s battery-saving capabilities more accessible and intuitive, without the need to navigate through the app’s main interface.

Selective App Whitelisting

While Greenify’s default “Aggressive Hibernation” feature is highly effective, you may occasionally encounter apps that require constant background activity or are not compatible with the hibernation process.

In such cases, you can selectively whitelist certain apps to exempt them from Greenify’s hibernation, ensuring that critical functionalities are not disrupted.

This level of fine-tuning can help strike a balance between battery savings and app functionality, allowing you to customize Greenify’s behavior to suit your specific needs.

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

To ensure Greenify’s long-term effectiveness, it’s essential to monitor your device’s performance and battery life closely. This may involve:

  •  Tracking battery usage and app activity through Android’s native battery settings or third-party battery monitoring apps
  •  Identifying any potential conflicts or compatibility issues with other apps or system settings
  • Seeking guidance from Greenify’s documentation or community forums for troubleshooting and best practices

By staying vigilant and proactively addressing any issues that arise, you can maximize the benefits of using Greenify on your non-rooted Android device.

Potential Limitations and Considerations

Potential Limitations and Considerations

While Greenify offers a highly effective solution for improving battery life on non-rooted Android devices, there are a few potential limitations and considerations to be aware of:

1. App Compatibility: Although Greenify has evolved to work with a wider range of apps, there may still be some apps that are not fully compatible with the hibernation process.

This could result in reduced functionality or unexpected behavior for those specific apps.

2. Performance Impact: Depending on the number of apps you have hibernated and the overall system load

Greenify’s intensive monitoring and control of background processes could potentially impact device performance in certain scenarios.

3. Privacy and Security Concerns: By granting Greenify access to the Accessibility Service and potentially ADB permissions, you’re allowing the app to monitor and control various system-level functions.

While Greenify is a trusted app, users should be aware of the potential privacy and security implications of these permissions.

4. Battery Savings Variability: The actual battery savings you experience may vary depending on your device’s hardware.

The apps you use, and your specific usage patterns. Greenify’s effectiveness can be influenced by these factors.

It’s important to weigh these considerations and carefully evaluate the trade-offs to determine if Greenify is the right solution for your non-rooted Android device.

Regular monitoring and adjustments may be necessary to maintain the optimal balance between battery life, performance, and app functionality.


Q: What is Greenify and how does it work?

Ans: Greenify is an Android app that helps optimize battery life by “hibernating” apps that are not in active use.

It works by leveraging the “aggressive doze” feature introduced in Android Marshmallow and later, which allows the OS to more aggressively put the device into a low-power state when the screen is off and the device is stationary.

Q: Why do I need to use Greenify without root access?

Ans: Traditionally, Greenify required root access to fully utilize its advanced features, such as automatically hibernating apps.

However, as Android’s permission model has evolved, it is now possible to use Greenify’s core functionality without the need for root access, allowing a broader range of Android users to benefit from its battery-saving capabilities.

Q: What are the key steps to using Greenify without root on Android in 2024?

1. Download and install the Greenify app from the Google Play Store or the official Greenify website.
2. Enable the Accessibility Service, which allows Greenify to monitor and control certain app activities.
3. (Optional) Grant ADB permissions to Greenify, which further enhances its functionality.
4. Configure Greenify’s settings, such as selecting hibernation targets and triggers.
5. Regularly maintain and monitor Greenify’s performance on your device.

Q: What are some advanced techniques I can use with Greenify on non-rooted Android devices?

Ans:  Some advanced techniques include:

  • Integrating Greenify with automation apps like Tasker or IFTTT to create custom hibernation rules and triggers.
  •  Utilizing Greenify’s overlay and shortcut options for easier access to its features.
  •  Selectively whitelisting apps to ensure critical functionalities are not disrupted by the hibernation process.
  •  Closely monitoring your device’s performance and battery life to optimize Greenify’s effectiveness.
Q: Are there any potential limitations or considerations when using Greenify without root?

Ans:  Yes, some potential limitations and considerations include:

  •  App compatibility issues, where certain apps may not be fully compatible with Greenify’s hibernation process.
  •  Potential performance impact, depending on the number of hibernated apps and overall system load.
  •  Privacy and security concerns due to the permissions required by Greenify.
  • Variability in battery savings can be influenced by device hardware, apps used, and usage patterns.
Q: How do I troubleshoot any issues I encounter with Greenify on my non-rooted Android device?

Ans:  If you encounter any issues or performance degradation, you can refer to Greenify’s documentation, and community forums, or seek guidance from online resources.

Regularly updating the app and your Android OS, as well as closely monitoring your device’s performance, can also help identify and resolve any problems that arise.


In the ever-evolving Android ecosystem, Greenify has emerged as a powerful tool for optimizing battery life on non-rooted devices.

By leveraging the advancements in Android’s permission model and the app’s own continuous development, users can now enjoy the benefits of aggressive app hibernation without the need for root access.

This comprehensive guide has provided you with a step-by-step process for using Greenify on non-rooted Android devices in 2024, as well as insights into advanced techniques and potential considerations.

By following these instructions and staying vigilant with ongoing maintenance and monitoring, you can effectively extend your device’s battery life and enhance its overall performance.

As you embark on your Greenify journey, remember to stay informed about the latest updates, community feedback, and any potential limitations or compatibility issues.

With a little bit of setup and customization, Greenify can be a valuable addition to your Android device management arsenal, helping you navigate the challenges of battery life and ensuring your smartphone remains a reliable companion throughout the day.

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