Google to Fix Link Report in Search Console {In 2024}

Fix Link Report in Search Console – Google Search Console is an essential tool for website owners and SEO professionals.

It provides valuable insights into a website’s performance in Google’s search results and helps identify areas for improvement.

One of the crucial features of the Search Console is the Link Report, which shows the links pointing to a specific website or page.

Google to Fix Link Report in Search Console

However, in recent times, website owners and SEOs have faced challenges with the accuracy and completeness of the Link Report.

Google is known for its commitment to enhancing user experience and maintaining the integrity of its search results.

As part of this effort, the company constantly updates and improves its tools and algorithms. Google Search Console, formerly known as Google Webmaster Tools, is a prime example of this commitment.

It offers website owners and SEO professionals valuable data and insights that aid in optimizing their websites for better visibility on Google’s search engine.

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Understanding Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a free service provided by Google that allows website owners to monitor, maintain, and troubleshoot their websites’ presence in search results.

It provides a wide range of data, including information about search queries, website traffic, indexing status, and backlinks.

The Importance of Link Reports

The Importance of Link Reports

Link Reports are a critical aspect of Google Search Console as they offer valuable data on the websites that link to a particular domain or page.

These backlinks play a significant role in determining a website’s authority, credibility, and ultimately, its search engine rankings.

Understanding the link profile of a website helps SEO professionals devise effective strategies for link building and outreach.

Challenges with Link Reports

Challenges with Link Reports

Despite the usefulness of Link Reports, website owners and SEOs have encountered challenges with the accuracy and comprehensiveness of the data provided.

Some links that are known to exist are not reflected in the report, leading to concerns about incomplete information.

Additionally, there have been instances where the link data appears to be outdated or not in line with the current state of the website’s backlink profile.

Google’s Decision to Fix Link Reports

Google's Decision to Fix Link Reports

Addressing the concerns raised by the SEO community, Google has acknowledged the limitations in its Link Reports and has taken the initiative to improve this aspect of the Search Console.

The company understands the importance of providing accurate and up-to-date data to website owners and SEO professionals, and the decision to fix Link Reports is a step towards enhancing transparency and trust.

The Process of Fixing Link Reports

Google’s engineering team is actively working on enhancing the algorithms and systems that generate the Link Reports.

This involves refining the data collection processes and implementing better mechanisms to identify and index backlinks accurately.

The goal is to ensure that website owners have access to comprehensive and reliable data about their link profiles.

Impact on Website Owners and SEOs

Impact on Website Owners and SEOs

The improved Link Reports will have a significant impact on website owners and SEOs. With access to more accurate and complete data, they will make better-informed decisions regarding their link-building and SEO strategies.

Fix Link Report in Search Console

This, in turn, can lead to improved search engine rankings, increased organic traffic, and enhanced online visibility.

Future Improvements to Search Console

Google remains committed to continually enhancing the Search Console and its various features.

In addition to fixing Link Reports, the company is exploring ways to introduce new tools and insights that will empower website owners and SEO professionals to further optimize their websites for better performance in search results.

How do I find broken links in the Google Search Console?

To find broken links in Google Search Console, follow these steps:

Access Google Search Console

Go to the Google Search Console website ( and sign in with your Google account.

Select the Correct Property

If you have multiple properties (websites) added to your Search Console account, ensure you select the right property from the property selector at the top left corner of the screen.

Navigate to “Coverage”

In the left-hand sidebar, click on “Coverage.” This section provides information about the indexing status of your website’s pages.

View Error Report

Scroll down to the section titled “Error” and click on “Excluded.” Here, you will find a list of errors that Google encountered while crawling your website.

Look for “404 Not Found” Errors

In the “Excluded” section, check for the error type labeled “404 Not Found.” This indicates that Google attempted to access a page on your website, but the page could not be found (broken link).

Click on the Error Type

Click on the “404 Not Found” error type, and it will expand to show a list of URLs that resulted in this error.

Inspect URLs

Review the URLs listed to identify which pages contain broken links. You can click on each URL to get more details about the issue, including the pages that link to the broken URL.

Fix Broken Links

Once you’ve identified the broken links, you can take action to fix them.

Depending on the reason for the broken link, you may need to update the URL, redirect the link to a relevant page, or remove the link altogether.

Request Indexing (Optional)

After fixing the broken links, you can request Google to re-crawl and index the updated pages by clicking the “Validate Fix” button next to each fixed URL or by using the “Request Indexing” feature in the “URL Inspection” tool.

Regularly monitoring and fixing broken links in the Google Search Console is essential for maintaining a healthy website and providing a better user experience to your visitors.

How do I fix Google Search Console issues?

Fixing Google Search Console issues involves addressing the specific errors and problems identified in the Search Console reports. Here are some common issues and the steps to fix them:

1. Fixing Crawl Errors:

  • Identify the URLs with crawl errors in the “Coverage” section.
  • Determine the reason for the crawl error (e.g., 404 Not Found, 500 Server Error, etc.).
  • If the page exists, ensure that the URL is correct and accessible.
  • If the page no longer exists, consider setting up a 301 redirect to a relevant page.
  • After fixing the issue, use the “Validate Fix” or “Request Indexing” feature to inform Google that the problem is resolved.
  • 2. Resolving Mobile Usability Issues:

  • In the “Enhancements” section, check for Mobile Usability issues.
  • Review the specific errors, such as viewport problems or small font size.
  • Adjust your website’s design and layout to be mobile-friendly.
  • Test the changes using Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool.
  • Once the issues are fixed, use the “Validate Fix” option or wait for Google to recrawl your pages.
  • 3. Handling Structured Data Errors:

  • Navigate to the “Enhancements” section and look for “Rich Results” reports.
  • Address any issues related to structured data markup, such as missing or incorrect elements.
  • Utilize Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool to verify the markup.
  • After making corrections, use the “Validate Fix” option or wait for Google to recrawl the affected pages.
  • 4. Fixing Index Coverage Errors:

  • Check the “Coverage” section for index coverage issues.
  • Address problems like “Submitted URL has crawl issue” or “Indexed, not submitted in sitemap.”
  • Verify that your sitemap is correct and up-to-date.
  • Ensure that your robots.txt file allows the crawling of essential pages.
  • Use the “Inspect URL” tool to check if specific pages are blocked from indexing.
  • Once fixed, use the “Validate Fix” option or wait for Google to recrawl the pages.
  • 5. Handling Security Issues:

  • In the “Security & Manual Actions” section, check for any security issues.
  • Address issues like hacked content, malware, or deceptive pages.
  • Clean up any compromised content or remove malicious scripts.
  • Request a review from Google once the security issues are resolved.
  • 6. Resolving AMP Issues:

  • If you have Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), check the “AMP” section for issues.
  • Address any validation errors or warnings in your AMP pages.
  • Use the AMP Testing Tool to ensure your pages comply with AMP guidelines.
  • After fixing the AMP issues, use the “Validate Fix” option or wait for Google to recrawl the AMP pages.

Remember to regularly monitor Google Search Console for new issues and promptly address them to ensure a healthy and well-optimized website.

Does Google Search Console show all links?

No, Google Search Console does not show all links pointing to your website.

The “Links” report in Google Search Console, also known as the “Link Report,” provides a sample of the backlinks Google has discovered that point to your website or specific pages.

However, it is important to note that the Link Report does not display the entire backlink profile of your website.

There are a few reasons why Google Search Console may not show all links:


The Link Report in Search Console is a sampled data set, meaning it only displays a subset of the total backlinks. Google does this to manage data resources and processing.

As a result, the sample might not represent the entire link profile accurately.

No-Follow Links

Google Search Console may not include “no-follow” links in the Link Report.

No-follow links are hyperlinks with a special HTML attribute that instructs search engines not to pass link authority to the linked page. As a result, these links may not be visible in the report.

New Links

It might take some time for new backlinks to appear in the Link Report. Google needs to crawl and index the linking pages before they show up in the report.

Discovered Links

Google Search Console might not discover all backlinks, especially if they are from obscure or less-crawled websites. Google’s crawl process is extensive but not exhaustive, so some links may not be found and reported.

To get a more comprehensive view of your website’s backlink profile, it’s advisable to use other tools specifically designed for backlink analysis, such as third-party SEO tools, which can provide a broader range of backlinks, including those not visible in Google Search Console.

These tools can offer more detailed insights into your backlink profile, helping you better understand your website’s link profile and make informed SEO decisions.

How do I add a URL to Google Search Console?

To add a URL to Google Search Console, follow these steps:

Sign in to Google Search Console

Go to the Google Search Console website( https// and sign in using your Google account. However, you will need to produce one first, If you do not have a Google account.

Add a Property (Website)

Once you are inked in, click on the” Add Property” button( or the redbutton) located at the top of the runner.

Enter the URL

In the pop-up window, enter the full URL of the website you want to add to Google Search Console.

Make sure to use the exact URL formatincluding” HTTP//” or” HTTP//”, and choose between” HTTP//” or” HTTP//” based on the protocol your website uses.

corroborate Power

After entering the URL, click on the” Continue” button. You will be urged to corroborate the power of the website. There are several verification styles available, but the most common ones are

HTML File Upload

After entering the URL, click on the” Continue” button. You will be urged to corroborate the power of the website. There are several verification styles available, but the most common ones are


Download the handed HTML verification train and upload it to the root directory of your website using an FTP customer or train director. Once uploaded, click the” corroborate” button in the Search Console.

Domain Name Provider

Copy the handed HTML label and bury it into the section of your website’s homepage. alsoclick the” corroborate” button in the Search Console.

Google Analytics

still, you can corroborate power automatically by subscribing to your sphere provider account, If your sphere is registered with certain sphere name providers.

Verification Status

still, you can choose to corroborate power through Google Analytics, If your website is formerly linked to a Google Analytics regard that you enjoy.

Accessing the Property

You can pierce and manage the added property( website) by clicking on its name in the list of parcels on the Search Console home runner.

It’s important to note that adding a URL to Google Search Console is generally done at the sphere position(e.g.,” https//“), and Google will give data and perceptivity for all runners and subdomains under that domain.

However, you can produce fresh parcels for each section or subdomain within Search Console, If you want to dissect a specific section of your website or a subdomain independently.


Google’s decision to fix the Link Report in the Search Console demonstrates its fidelity to furnishing website possessors and SEO professionals with dependable and precious data.

The advancements in the Link Reports will really profit the SEO communityleading to further effective link-structure strategies and bettered hunt machine rankings.


Q. Will the improved Link Reports affect my website’s rankings immediately?

Ans. The bettered Link Reports themselves won’t directly impact rankingsstill, the data they give can help you make better SEO opinions, potentially leading to bettered rankings over time.

Q. When can we expect to see the changes in Link Reports?

Ans. Google has not handed a specific timeline, but they’re laboriously working on the advancements. It’s judicious to keep an eye on sanctioned adverts from Google for updates.

Q. Can I rely solely on Link Reports for my SEO strategy?

Ans. While Link Reports offers precious data, a comprehensive SEO strategy should include multiple data sources and analysis tools for a holistic approach to optimization.

Q. Do I need to pay for Google Search Console to access the improved Link Reports?

Ans. No, Google Search Console is a free tool handed by Google, and you’ll continue to have free access to the bettered Link Reports.

Q. Where can I learn more about other features of Google Search Console?
Ans. Google provides sanctioned attestation and attendants for Google Search Console. You can pierce them on the sanctioned Google Webmasters website.

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