How to download and install the Google Play Store

Step 1 Check your Google Play Version

 The first step in this process is to check the current Google Play Version of Google Play on your smartphone.
It’s an important step because it will; give the information if your smartphone has the correct interpretation or not. Then’s how you can check it.
  • Unlock your smartphone.
  • Go to the menu and find the Google Play Store app and save it.
  • In the Google Play Store app, go to the settings and scroll down.
  • You’ll find the interpretation details in the About section of the settings.
Now you know the interpretation of the Google Play Store installed on your smartphone. Now the coming step is to download the rearmost interpretation of the Google Play Store.

Check your Google Play Version

Step 2: Download the latest version of the Google Play Store

Now the coming step is to download the rearmost interpretation of the Google Play Store on your device. For that, you can download the Rearmost Google Play Store APK from any trusted website.
There are numerous APK websites available out there but our recommendation is the APKMirror because it has been around for a long time.
Go to the AXKMirror website and find the Google Play Store APKs. On the website, you’ll find a variety of Google Play Store’s APKs and then you’ll need to use the reference of the interpretation which you set up in the first step.
For illustration, if your Google Play Store interpretation on your smartphone is 18.5.59 also ensure that you should have an advanced interpretation number than the one you formerly had on your smartphone.
Once you find the APK you’re looking for, download the app on your smartphone.

Download the latest version of the Google Play Store

Step 3: Deal with the “Unknown Sources” feature

When it comes to Android, “ Unknown Sources ” is an important point that prevents your smartphone from installing apps from an unknown source.

You can only install the apps from the Google Play Store if this point is enabled.

still, if you enable it you allow your smartphone to install apps from unknown sources as well.

When it comes to smartphones that have former performances of Android( Before Android Oreo) also they will need to follow the following way.

  • Swipe down from the top of the screen and tap the gear-shaped icon to pierce the settings.
  • In the settingsfind the Security section and valve it.
  • In the security sectionfind the “ Unknown Sources ” and enable it.
  • The advisement will become visible on the screenHit “ OK ” and you’re all set to install the Google Play Store APK to your smartphone.
If you have a smartphone with Android Oreo or the rearmost performances also you can follow this way.
  • Go to the web cybersurfer and start downloading the APK.
  • Android will inform you that your cybersurfer doesn’t have the authorization to install the APKs and it’ll prompt the settings.
  • Tap the settings in that prompt and also check the box that will allow you to install APKs from unknown sources.
  • Now you can go back and install the APK.

Deal with the “Unknown Sources” feature

Step 4: Install the Google Play Store

Now the coming step is to install the APK on your smartphone. You can do it by following this way.

  • Go to your download directory.
  • Find the downloaded Google Play Store APK there and tap it.
  • Your system will take you to the installation interface, and valve install, and also the system will install the app for you.
  • On the coming screen, the system will ask for authorization. In the case of the Google Play Store, there will be no warrants and you can do.
  • Congratulations! You have successfully installed the rearmost interpretation of the Google Play Store on your smartphone.

Install the Google Play Store

Step 5: Disable the “Unknown Sources”

The final step is to disable the Unknown Sources because they can potentially bring problems in the future.
That’s why we’d recommend you to incontinently disable the Unknown Sources after installing the app from the unknown source.
If you have aged performances of the Android then Android Oreo also needs to follow the following way.
  • Swipe down from the top of the screen and tap the gear-shaped icon to pierce the settingsAlternatelygo to the menufind the settings app, and tap it to pierce settings.
  • In the settingsgo to the security section and open it.
  • Now find the Unknown Sources and uncheck them.
  • You have successfully impaired the Unknown Sources.
If you have Android Oreo or the performances of the Android you don’t need to disable it because these settings aren’t available on your smartphone and you’re safe.

Bottom line

That’s how you can download and install the Google Play Store on Android. When it comes to installing apps from unknown sources,
we always encourage our compendiums to take extreme caution because you can potentially install the vicious app on your smartphone.
thus, if you’re installing an app from an unknown sourceensure that the website is well-known within the community.
You should also check if the app you’re downloading asks for the warrants that it doesn’t need. For illustration,
if you’re installing an arsonist app and it asks for your contact, camera, etc.
also, it’ll be a red signal and you should incontinently cancel it.
However, please let us know in the comment section below If you have any questionsAlsovisit our website for further useful attendants.