Can I download and install Windows 11 on my PC?

Windows 11 is the newest Windows, but it’ll be launched for druggies latterly this time.

still, the company has launched the Beta Program, which allows Windows druggies to test the rearmost Windows on their Windows PC.

But, before you start downloading Windows 11, it’s important to check whether your PC can run Windows 11 or not.

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preliminarily, Microsoft was allowing Windows druggies to check it using PC Health Check App, but now the app isn’t available.

still, you can still check the eligibility of your device by matching it with the system requirements. However, you can download and install Windows 11 on your PC, If you have the following or better specs.

  • CPU: 1 GHz or Faster with 2 or more cores on a 64 Bit Processor
  • RAM: 4 GB or more RAM
  • Storage: 64 GB or more
  • System firmware: UEFI & Secure Boot Capable
  • GPU: DirectX 12 Compatible GPUs or WDDM 2. x
  • Display Resolution: 9″ or better with 720p resolution.
  • Microsoft Account.

How to Download and Install Windows 11 on My PC?

Once you ensure that your System meets the minimal demand, you can download Windows 11. For that, you’ll need to register yourself in the Windows Insider Program,
which is the beta program for Windows 11. Then’s how you can register for the Windows Insider Program.
  • Go to the Official Website of the Windows Insider Program.
  • Now log in with your Microsoft Account. Make sure that you are using the same Microsoft account that is registered with your Windows PC.


  • Once you are logged in, the first step is to agree with the program agreement and privacy statement.


  • Now go to your Windows PC and go to Settings.
  • Go to the Update & Security section and then click Windows Insider Program.


  • Now click on Get Started and pick the account to continue.

  • In the next step, follow the instructions on the screen.
  • Finally, review the privacy statement and program terms and Confirm.
  • Now “Restart now” to complete the setup.


Once the computer restarts, go to the Windows Update section and check for updates. Then’s how you can do it
  • Go to Settings.
  • Now find the Update & Security section and click it.


  • Go to the Windows Update section and hit “Check for Updates“.


  • Once the updates are available, download them, and you can install them.
That’s how you can download and install Windows 11 on your PC. It’s important to note that Windows 11 is still new, which means that it won’t be as smooth as the stable figure.
 So, you can potentially witness some problems, but the good thing is that Microsoft is working lifelessly to make it as smooth as possible.
Make sure that you regularly install the rearmost updates to get a smooth Experience.

Can I Install Windows 11 for free?

Yes, Microsoft has blazoned that all Windows 10 druggies will get Microsoft Windows 11 as a free upgrade.
 still, this offer is only awarded to druggies who have genuine Windows.

How can I get Windows 11 Early?

Microsoft has lately launched the Windows Insider Program, which principally gives early access to Windows 11. All you’ll have to do is register for the beta program and download the update on your Windows PC.

Will Windows 10 be upgraded to 11?

Yes, Windows 10 druggies will be suitable to upgrade to Windows 11 for freestill, if you don’t want it, you can keep using Windows 11, and Microsoft will give you the updates till 2025.

Can I download Windows 11 from a third-party Site?

Windows 11 is presently available in the Beta program for Windows druggies through the Windows Insider Website, which is possessed by Microsoft.
 still, you can also install Windows 11 iso from third-party spots, but we don’t recommend it.
These types of websites frequently add their Adware and other maxxxre with the lines, which can latterly be used to foray your sequestration and get your data.
So, if you want to avoid any troublesmake sure that you only download Windows 11 from the sanctioned Website.

When Windows 11 be released for users?

Windows 11 will be released in October of 2021 as a free upgrade for Windows 10 druggies.

What will be new in Windows 11?

Windows 11 is coming with a lot of new and innovative features. For starters, you’re getting a redesigned stoner Interface which will make it easier for you to use it.
On top of that, it’s also brisk and more pointrich than former Windows. One of the prominent features in Windows 11 is AutoHDR which will make your content look more vibrant.

Will Windows 7 users be able to upgrade to Windows 11?

Yes, it’s revealed that Windows 7 druggies will be suitable to upgrade to Windows 11, but it’ll be a fresh installstill, they will have to back up their data and install Windows 11 as a clean installation.


That’s all, folks. In this companion, you learn how to download and install Windows 11 on your PC. We also answered some common FAQs which will help you understand the topic.
However, please let us know in the commentary If you have any questions or suggestions.
Alsocheck this companion where we’ve participated in the Stylish Word directors for Windows.