The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical naming system that provides a way to translate human-readable domain names, such as, into the IP addresses that computers use to identify each other on a network.
It essentially serves as the phonebook of the internet, allowing users to access websites and online services using familiar domain names instead of numerical IP addresses.
DNS operates through a distributed network of servers that work together to translate domain names into IP addresses. When a user types a domain name into their web browser,
the request is sent to a DNS resolver, which looks up the IP address associated with that domain name.
If the resolver doesn’t have the IP address cached, it will query other DNS servers until it finds the correct address.
The Domain Name System is a critical component of the Internet infrastructure and is essential for the proper functioning of websites, email services, and other online applications.
Domain Name System
Without DNS, users would need to memorize numerical IP addresses to access online resources, which would be much less user-friendly and much more prone to errors.
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How Does DNS Work?
DNS works through a distributed network of servers that work together to translate human-readable domain names into IP addresses that computers use to communicate with each other. Here is a simplified overview of how DNS works:
- A user types a domain name (such as into their web browser.
- The browser sends a request to a DNS resolver, which is typically provided by the user’s internet service provider (ISP).
- The resolver checks its cache to see if it has the IP address for the domain name. If it does, it returns the IP address to the browser and the request is fulfilled.
- If the resolver doesn’t have the IP address, it sends a request to a root DNS server, which is the first step in the hierarchical DNS system.
- The root server doesn’t have the IP address, but it does know which top-level domain (TLD) server to query based on the domain name’s extension (such as .com, .org, .edu).
- The resolver sends a request to the TLD server, which responds with the IP address of the authoritative DNS server for the domain name.
- The resolver sends a request to the authoritative DNS server, which responds with the IP address for the domain name.
- The resolver caches the IP address for future requests and returns it to the browser.
- The browser sends a request to the web server associated with the IP address, and the website is displayed in the browser.
This entire process happens in a matter of milliseconds, allowing users to access websites quickly and easily using domain names instead of IP addresses.
DNS is a critical component of the Internet infrastructure, and without it, the Internet as we know it today would not be possible.
Why is DNS Cached?
DNS caching is used to improve the performance and efficiency of the DNS system by reducing the number of requests that need to be sent to DNS servers.
When a DNS resolver receives a request for a domain name, it checks its cache to see if it has already looked up the IP address for that domain name recently.
If it has, the resolver can return the cached IP address without needing to send a new request to a DNS server.
There are several reasons why DNS caching is important:
- Speed: DNS caching can significantly improve the speed of web browsing by reducing the time it takes to look up IP addresses. Instead of sending a request to a DNS server every time a user visits a website, the resolver can use the cached IP address to quickly connect to the website.
- Efficiency: DNS caching reduces the amount of network traffic generated by DNS requests, which helps to improve the overall efficiency of the DNS system. This is particularly important in large networks with many users, where a high volume of DNS requests can put a strain on network resources.
- Redundancy: DNS caching helps to ensure that the DNS system remains resilient in the face of server failures or other issues. If a DNS server goes down, resolvers can still use their cache to resolve domain names until the server comes back online.
Overall, DNS caching is an essential component of the DNS system that helps to improve performance, efficiency, and resilience.
However, it’s important to note that caching can sometimes lead to outdated or incorrect information being returned, which can cause issues with website access.
To mitigate this, DNS resolvers will periodically refresh their cache to ensure that the information they are returning is up-to-date.
Step 1 – Send a Request to Resolve a Domain Name
The first step in the DNS resolution process is for a user or application to send a request to resolve a domain name. This typically happens when a user enters a domain name into a web browser or other application that needs to connect to a remote server.
For example, suppose a user wants to visit the website When the user enters this domain name into their web browser, the browser sends a request to a DNS resolver to translate the domain name into an IP address that can be used to connect to the website.
The DNS resolver is typically provided by the user’s internet service provider (ISP) or a public DNS service like Google DNS or OpenDNS. When the resolver receives the request, it checks its cache to see if it has already looked up the IP address for the domain name recently.
If the resolver has the IP address in its cache, it can return the result immediately without needing to send any further requests.
If the resolver does not have the IP address in its cache, it needs to send a series of requests to other DNS servers to find the IP address. The resolver starts by sending a request to a root DNS server, which is the first step in the hierarchical DNS system.
The root server responds with the IP address for the top-level domain (TLD) server that is responsible for the domain name’s extension (such as .com or .org).
The resolver then sends a request to the TLD server, which responds with the IP address for the authoritative DNS server for the domain name. The authoritative DNS server is the server that contains the DNS records for the domain name.
Once the resolver has the IP address for the authoritative DNS server, it sends a request to that server to get the IP address for the domain name.
The authoritative DNS server responds with the IP address, which the resolver caches for future requests and returns to the user or application that made the original request.
This entire process typically takes only a few milliseconds, but it can take longer if there are issues with DNS server availability or network congestion.
Step 2 – Search for an IP Locally
It’s important to note that Step 2 – “Search for an IP Locally” is not a part of the standard DNS resolution process. However, some operating systems and devices may perform additional steps to try to resolve domain names more quickly.
In some cases, an operating system or device may maintain its own local DNS cache to store recently resolved domain names and their associated IP addresses.
When a user or application sends a request to resolve a domain name, the operating system or device first checks its local DNS cache to see if it has a record for the domain name.
If it does, it can return the result immediately without needing to send any further requests.
Additionally, some operating systems and devices may also check the “hosts” file on the local system to see if there are any entries for the domain name.
The host file is a text file that maps domain names to IP addresses, and it is often used to override the standard DNS resolution process for local testing or development purposes.
If the operating system or device is able to resolve the domain name using either the local DNS cache or the host’s file, it can return the result immediately without needing to send any further requests.
However, if it cannot resolve the domain name locally, it must continue with the standard DNS resolution process described in Step 1.
Step 3 – Contact ISP and its Recursive DNS Server to Resolve a Domain Name
Step 3 in the DNS resolution process is for the DNS resolver to contact the user’s ISP (Internet Service Provider) and its recursive DNS server to resolve a domain name.
If the DNS resolver does not have the IP address for the domain name in its cache and it cannot resolve the domain name locally, it sends a request to the user’s ISP and its recursive DNS server.
The ISP’s recursive DNS server is responsible for handling DNS queries on behalf of the ISP’s customers.
The ISP’s recursive DNS server follows the same process as the DNS resolver in Step 1, but it is typically configured to cache results for a longer period of time to reduce the load on the root and TLD DNS servers.
The ISP’s recursive DNS server sends a request to the root server, then the TLD server, and then the authoritative DNS server for the domain name to get the IP address.
Once the ISP’s recursive DNS server has the IP address, it returns it to the DNS resolver, which caches the result and returns it to the user or application that made the original request.
If the ISP’s recursive DNS server does not have the IP address in its cache, it must follow the standard DNS resolution process and send requests to the root, TLD, and authoritative DNS servers.
It’s worth noting that some users may choose to use a public DNS service like Google DNS or OpenDNS instead of their ISP’s DNS resolver.
In this case, the DNS resolver would skip Step 3 and instead send the request directly to the public DNS service. The public DNS service would follow the same process as the ISP’s recursive DNS server to resolve the domain name.
Step 4 – Ask Outside DNS Servers to Provide an IP Address
Step 4 in the DNS resolution process occurs when the ISP’s recursive DNS server is unable to resolve a domain name through the standard DNS resolution process.
In this case, the recursive DNS server will continue to follow the DNS resolution process by contacting outside DNS servers to provide an IP address.
The recursive DNS server will send a request to one or more outside DNS servers, such as the public DNS servers operated by Google or OpenDNS.
These outside DNS servers may have cached the IP address for the domain name in question, or they may be able to query the authoritative DNS server for the domain name to get the IP address.
If an outside DNS server has a cached copy of the IP address, it will return the result to the recursive DNS server, which will cache the result and return it to the DNS resolver.
If the outside DNS server does not have a cached copy of the IP address, it will send a request to the authoritative DNS server for the domain name to get the IP address.
Once the authoritative DNS server responds with the IP address, the outside DNS server caches the result and returns it to the recursive DNS server, which caches the result and returns it to the DNS resolver.
If the authoritative DNS server does not respond with the IP address, the recursive DNS server will continue to contact other outside DNS servers until it gets a response or exhausts all available options.
Overall, Step 4 is a backup measure that ensures that the DNS resolution process can still succeed even if the ISP’s recursive DNS server does not have a cached copy of the IP address and the standard DNS resolution process is unable to resolve the domain name.
Step 5 – Receive the IP Address
Step 5 in the DNS resolution process occurs when the DNS resolver receives the IP address for the domain name it was trying to resolve.
Once the recursive DNS server receives the IP address from an authoritative DNS server or an outside DNS server, it caches the result and returns it to the DNS resolver.
The DNS resolver then returns the IP address to the application or user that made the original request.
The DNS resolver also caches the result for a certain period of time, called the Time to Live (TTL), which is specified by the authoritative DNS server in its response.
The TTL determines how long the DNS resolver will store the IP address in its cache before it expires and the resolver must perform a new DNS lookup to resolve the domain name again.
Overall, Step 5 represents the successful resolution of the domain name to its corresponding IP address, which allows the user or application to connect to the desired website or online resource.
The Domain Name System (DNS) is a critical component of the internet that enables users to access websites and other online resources using domain names, rather than having to remember numerical IP addresses.
The DNS resolution process involves several steps, including sending a request to resolve a domain name, searching for an IP address locally, contacting the ISP’s recursive DNS server to resolve the domain name, and contacting outside DNS servers if necessary.
DNS caching is an important feature of the DNS system that helps to speed up DNS resolution and reduce network traffic.
Caching allows DNS resolvers to store IP addresses locally for a certain period of time, so they do not have to repeatedly perform DNS lookups for frequently accessed domain names.
While the DNS system is generally reliable, DNS errors can occur, such as the “DNS server not responding” error. In such cases, switching to a different web browser, connecting to a different device, or deactivating firewalls and antivirus software can often help resolve the issue.
Updating network adapter drivers can also be helpful in some cases.
Overall, understanding how DNS works and how to troubleshoot DNS-related issues can help to ensure that users can access the online resources they need quickly and reliably.